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Zabbix Triggers and Alerts

This section is part of Zabbix & Elrond Guide

We’ll look at some of the new triggers that the Template has created in our new host.

Go to upper left menu and select Configuration —> Hosts and in your new host click on Triggers.


Here you will see the definition of your triggers. Again, what we are looking here are not current alerts, it’s the definitions of our triggers. How they will activate themselves.

triggers definitions.PNG

We can see the Severity of every trigger, its name, and the formulas (what needs to happens to activate the trigger).

If we click on one of they, for example “Disk space is critically low” we’ll see the details of how is it defined.

Take into account that one thing is the trigger and other are the actions that can done in the system. For example if a trigger is activated it can:

  • By default you will see it on the Monitoring—>Dashboard section on “Problems” panel

  • Actions: in the menu Configuration—>Actions can define actions like “send an email to the managers” or reboot the node, as examples.

  • Event Correlations: in the menu Configuration —> Event Correlation you can define things to automate more layers.

One important field on the configuration of a trigger is the Severity, as later we will have some rules like: if the Severity is above that or this value send an email.

Another important field is Ok Event Generation. If we say “Expression” it means that when the expression that activated the trigger is again false, then the trigger is auto deactivated and is marked as “solved”.

As we can’t spend all our life in front of the dashboard, the most useful action here is an alert. We will cover in the next chapter how to setup an email alert.